I am only 22 so my brain is filled to bursting point with things I don't get.
I don't get how, as humans, we can treat our fellow man with such little respect.
I don't get how people can buy $100,000 cars or $1,000,000 homes while people are starving to death.
I don't get how we are in a war that has cost almost 4,000 soldiers and hundreds of thousands of civilians their lives and britney spears is the top story on CNN.
I don't get the lack of general knowledge. I know I don't know everything but its almost scary how little my generation knows about the past.
I don't get the American election system. There are 51 choices for Ms. America, 2 for the president. And in the end, its the delegates and Electoral college who decides, not us.
I don't get why marijuana is illegal. Especially in medical cases.
I don't get global warming. Who to believe on this subject is beyond me. I know the earth is warming, the carbon count is higher. Is a catastrophe about to happen? No idea.
I don't get people blaming their addictions on the makers of the product. The tobacco industry didn't force that cigarette down your throat. McDonald's didn't put a funnel in your mouth and shove their burgers down it. We have choices. For better or worse, we make them!
I don't get homophobia. I grew up in a Christian school being taught this. It didn't stick seeing as pretty much all my friends were gay. Love is love people! Stop trying to define it... love is abstract. Its beautiful no matter who is involved.
I don't get why yesterday, the first day of spring, IT SNOWED! I am SO ready for Summer!
I don't get how people can say socialized medicine is a bad thing. We are letting tens of millions of Americans go day to day, praying nothing happens, instead of doing something about it. And insurance is bulls**t. They get to pick and choose what they want to cover or not. There is no "but I can't afford this." America the great....
I just don't get it. But hopefully as I grow up I will learn more. And maybe I'll get to cross some of these off my list.